Member-only story
An Open Letter to Fellow Entrepreneur Moms
Play by your own rules — and your own rules only
When people look at me today, they see a successful entrepreneur who runs a high six-figure business that’s growing every year. Some think I was born to run a marketing agency and turn my knowledge into money. Others imagine that I calculated every step in my career to get where I am today.
Both are wrong.
My journey has never been a straight line. It’s a succession of decisions that didn’t always make sense from a rational point of view.
Life isn’t logic, so why do we expect our careers to be as predictable as a math equation?
The best you can do is make the decisions that feel right to you — and what feels right to you doesn’t have to be logical for others.
After having my son, I quit my well-paying job to be a stay-at-home mom because it was the right thing for our family. Do you think productivity gurus would approve of my choice?
When my son was three, I taught a few yoga classes and worked at Saeed’s International Market as a cook and server for a few hours while he was in daycare. It was the right thing at that moment.
When he started school, I went back to working full-time as a contractor. With my husband…