Elevate Your Energy to Create a Life you Love

4 recommendations you can implement today

Prati Kaufman
5 min readAug 16, 2022

Follow your inner guidance

When I tell people about my life, they often respond, “Oh, you are a risk taker!”

After all, I went to an English-speaking college without knowing how to speak the language. At 23, I moved to Dubai with $100 in my pocket and 15 days to find a job. I got married to my husband two months after meeting him. Another thing I did was quit my cubicle on the spot when I thought I didn’t want to die in a comfortable job with a comfortable salary.

But to me, these decisions didn’t feel crazy. They felt right. Only after I quit the corporate world did I understand why following my inner voice was the right thing to do.

After quitting my job, I stumbled on the Energy leadership Index assessment that is part of the IPEC Coaching School. I immediately took a personal loan and enrolled in the coaching program — you could say it was another “crazy” decision.

The founder of IPEC put 25 years of work into creating a unique energy assessment that breaks down human energy into seven levels and how they show up in our lives.

The principles I learned changed my life and became the foundation of everything I do today — both…



Prati Kaufman

🌺 Making marketing stress-free for small business owners. Open for inquiries at the moment: prati@pratikaufman.com