How to Compete With Top Leading Brands in SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
7 short tips you can apply today
There’s a saying among digital marketers. “The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of a Google search.” People almost never make it there. They all stop at page one. Heck, they rarely check past the five first links.
Unfortunately, those five golden spots are often occupied by big names who do their best to hack the Search Engine Optimization game. Does this mean you can’t compete? Not at all. In fact, I’m here to show you how to win.
Beating large brand in SEO boils down to formulating a clear strategy that targets the right customers. Here are several tips that will help you do just that.
1. Specialize in a niche
Most people think that having multiple areas of expertise is a good way to boost your brand’s appearance in search engines. After all, the more services you offer, the more keywords you can use. That’s how you maximize your chances of generating traffic to your website, right?
Sure, it’s a sexy strategy. But it doesn’t work in competitive fields because, in each area of expertise, you’ll be doing less than big brands who can afford armies of copywriters.
That’s why you want to be a specialist. You ought to narrow down your focus on one niche. By pouring all of your efforts into a small set of keywords, you’ll be able to achieve better visibility.
2. Target your local audience
Large brands want to be everywhere. That’s why they shape their online presence in a broad manner — which is great news for you.
One of the biggest advantages you’ll ever have is to be physically accessible to potential clients. You can get your name out there by getting involved in nearby communities. For instance, you can participate in local events or design offers that align with the specific needs of your city or state.
At the same time, you want to load your online content, like social media posts and blogs with local-specific keywords. Use the names of cities, influential figures, and famous local monuments.
Often, small communities have higher engagement rates than big ones. Use that to your advantage. Prioritize local prospects.
3. Use keyword phrases instead of words
Keyword phrases are extended phrases that search engines like Google acknowledges. For example, instead of introducing short keywords like “kitchen cabinet,” you can aim for: “guides for installing your kitchen cabinet.”
True, this technique may bring less traffic because fewer people bother to type the entire sentence but this is the future of SEO.
Let me tell you my top secret — 58% of consumers are already using voice search to find a local business online (typing is hard when driving or walking around the city). Over the following years, these numbers are expected to increase in all areas including online shopping.
When dictating search queries, users are more likely to use long sentences with specific words than typing it out. Get on the trend now.
4. Use branded search terms
Branded search terms are queries that include the name of your brand. Those who use search terms that include your brand name are more likely to purchase compared to those who don’t.
These potential clients already have a genuine interest in your brand. Your job is to make it easier for them to find you through your content.
As you increase the volume of your branded search terms, you increase the overall reach of your website. It’s a game that pays off generously over the long run.
5. Create organic content
Organic content that’s educational, helpful, and engaging is an effective method to improve ranking on SEO. For instance, Google will give you a better ranking if your content is longer in length. Of course, you’ll also have to watch out for quality.
Make sure you use conversational tones and words that are easy to understand. Also, avoid keyword stuffing. People notice it easier than you might think and they often get turned off by it.
And remember, with content, your best friend is consistency.
6. Personalize your social engagement
Many large businesses lose their personalities once they hit a certain point in their growth. You can take advantage of this as a small business.
Focus on giving each member of your audience a more personal and humanized experience to foster trust and build loyalty. Marketing works best when it doesn’t look like marketing but like a relationship.
7. Monitor current trends and watch for algorithm changes
As a small business, you can react faster than your giant competitors. Big brands need time and strategies to adapt. As for you, all you need is knowledge.
Keep yourself well-informed about SEO trends so you can use them to your advantage. You could implement a daily habit of reading about digital marketing news every morning. Interesting newsletters and platforms like Medium can help a lot with that.
There is no shortcut to beating your competition, but with a strategy that leverages your geographic location, human contact, and simple techniques, you can overcome the giants in specific key areas.